Archive for May, 2017

Guru “Tanpa tanda-jasa” dan Guru “Profesional”

Oleh: Dr. H. Adie E. Yusuf, MA. Dosen Pascasarjana Universitas Pakuan

“Terpujilah wahai engkau ibu bapak guru. Namamu akan selalu hidup dalam sanubariku. Semua baktimu akan kuukir di dalam hatiku. Sebagai prasasti terima kasihku. Tuk pengabdianmu”

Petikan lirik lagu hymne Guru yang selalu dinyanyikan oleh warga sekolah pada setiap upacara peringatan Hari Guru pada tanggal 25 November dengan penuh keharuan. Ternyata liriknya telah diubah dengan menghilangkan kata “tanpa tanda jasa”. Tentunya bukan berarti kita menghilangkan peran guru yang besar dan mengurangi penghargaan bagi guru yang mulia untuk memajukan pendidikan nasional.

Continue reading ‘Guru “Tanpa tanda-jasa” dan Guru “Profesional”’

Character Building: Professional Development in BINUS University

By Dr. Adie Erar Yusuf, MA. Associate Faculty Member, BINUS University


One key success factor of national development is determined by the available competent and competitive  human resources, especially in the era of globalization. In this senses, education has a central role in increasing competence, and forming the required character.

The National Education System Law No. 20/2003 states that education serves to develop the ability to form character and the civilization of the dignity in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation. Education aims to develop the potential of students to become a man of faith and piety to God Almighty, it also produces precious, healthy, knowledgeable, accomplished, creative,  independent, democratic and accountable human beings.

Ray and Montgomery (2006) stated the results of the research that staff, students, and faculty believe that  character education is occurring in various forms across   the university, and that appropriate role model may have an important impact on college students.  Students  who define formal learning believe that character education occurs best, and should occur, in the classroom, while students who define judicious learning focus on extracurricular settings, especially those involving the disciplinary process. Continue reading ‘Character Building: Professional Development in BINUS University’

Competency-based Human Resource Development in Polytechnic COT

By Dr. Adie E. Yusuf, MA.

Academic Specialist, ADB Grant, Polytechnic Education Development Project, 2017.

Indonesia’s Master Plan for Acceleration and Expansion, covering 2011–2025, emphasizes strengthening human resources, science, and technology capabilities for the country’s economic development. The master plan highlights increasing value addition and expanding value chains for industrial production, strengthening production efficiency, and promoting innovation to generate jobs and income-earning opportunities. (ADB Project Brief, 2012,

Human resources are the backbone of higher education particularly Polytechnic Higher Education (VHDE) institutions. Qualified and dedicated staff are key to ensuring that polytechnic institutions fulfill their mission of teaching and learning, research, and service to society (Haskins & Shaffer, 2011). In order to support Human Resource System in COT as a center of capital management to promote continuous professional development and competitiveness and excellence in Polytechnic institutions. Continue reading ‘Competency-based Human Resource Development in Polytechnic COT’

Monitoring & Evaluation: ICM School

By Dr. Adie E. Yusuf, MA. Head of Quality Assurance, ICM BSD 2016.


Sejak didirikan tahun 2010 dan mulai efektif menyelenggarakan pendidikan tahun 2011, Insan Cendekia Madani (ICM School)   telah banyak meraih capaian baik akademis maupun non akademis. ICM mendapat pengakuan dari Badan Nasional Standar Pendidikan (BNSP) dengan Akreditasi “A”. ICM merupakan salah satu unit Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama (SPK) sesuai Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 31 Tahun 2014, sehingga dapat mengintegrasikan  Kurikulum Nasional Tahun 2013, Cambridge International dan Kurikulum Islam  yang disebut Kurikulum Madani.  ICM memiliki visi  yaitu menjadi sekolah terdepan yang mengembangkan keunikan siswa untuk menghasilkan pemimpin berkarakter Islami dan turut bertanggungjawab atas terwujudnya masyarakat madani. Untuk mewujudkan visi tersebut, maka dirumuskan misi sebagai berikut: 1) Membentuk siswa berkarakter pemimpin Islami dan memberikan manfaat untuk orang lain serta lingkungannya, 2) Membentuk  siswa yang mampu membaca, menghafal, memahami, beribadah dan berakhlak sesuai Al Qu’ran dan As’sunnah, 3) Membentuk siswa yang mampu mengembangkan dan memanfaatkan potensi khasnya masing-masing, 4) Menyelenggarakan sekolah berstandar global yang mampu membentuk siswa berpikir ilmiah, kreatif, inovatif dan solutif, 5) Menjadikan civitas akademika sebagai perwujudan (role model) budaya masyarakat madani. Selain itu, terdapat nilai-nilai yang melandasi kultur organisasi ICM, yaitu  1) Hanya menggunakan sumber-sumber dana yang halal dan thayyib, 2) Memberikan layanan terbaik untuk segenap stakeholder meliputi guru, staf, siswa, orang tua/wali, mitra dan masyarakat, 3) Bekerja keras, ikhlas, cerdas dan tuntas, 4) Mengedepankan aspek keteladan, cinta dan kasih saying, 5) Pembelajar yang terbuka terhadap pengetahuan baru dan berguna bagi kemaslahatan umat manusia serta alam semesta. Continue reading ‘Monitoring & Evaluation: ICM School’

Polytechnic Centre of Technology in Indonesia: Strategy and Challenges

By Dr. Adie E. Yusuf, MA.

Academic Specialist, ADB Grant: Polytechnic Education Development Project, 2017.


Well educated technicians are essential to enabling the transition of Indonesia to higher-technology jobs and increasing the value of production. Striving for higher productivity and competitiveness, the government has strengthened its emphasis on developing technical and vocational education which is reflected in enhanced investments in polytechnic education. The PEDP project will support Indonesia’s economic development by increasing the supply of highly skilled workers in five sectors of the economy. This will be facilitated by improving links between polytechnics and enterprises. The project will help the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (DGLSA) implement an integrated approach to improve the quality of polytechnic study programs and skills-development services that (i) ensures relevance to employers, (ii) expands access for vocational school graduates and others interested in developing higher level skills, (iii) builds the capacity of teaching staff and administrators, and (iv) upgrades facilities and equipment to better impart to learners job-ready skills. The project will help strengthen and implement the Indonesia Qualification Framework (IQF) to support quality assurance and recognize prior learning to expand applicants’ access to high-quality skills-development services available through selected polytechnic institutions. In general the project has four outputs: (i) improved quality and relevance of the polytechnic system; (ii) expanded and more equitable access to polytechnic institutions; (iii) greater private sector involvement in, and promotion of, entrepreneurial culture to strengthen polytechnic graduate competitiveness; and (iv) strengthened governance and management of polytechnic education. The impact will be the improved polytechnic education system to produce graduates responsive to the needs of the labour market and contribute toward increasing productivity in the Priority Sectors. Continue reading ‘Polytechnic Centre of Technology in Indonesia: Strategy and Challenges’

May 2017



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